Robotic Surgery
Robotic surgery is gaining increasing prominence, but its real benefits need to be carefully balanced.
Robotic surgery uses cutting-edge technology, where through small incisions in the skin, the robot reaches regions that are difficult to access in traditional methods, with greater precision. In this surgical modality, the surgeon uses a joystick-like control – which reproduces movements delicately – while viewing the image on a high-definition monitor.
During the surgery, the robot transmits a 3D, high-definition image of the area to be operated on, allowing the surgeon to observe more details and ensure greater precision in the procedure. The robot also allows for contrast in the image, providing greater visibility of the lesions that need to be removed. Its technology is also capable of stabilizing the surgeon’s hand tremor.
Compared to open surgeries, patients who undergo surgery using the robotic platform spend less time in the hospital, have better outcomes, and a faster recovery, resulting in a better quality of life. In laparoscopy, the benefits are comparable when it comes to treating diseases such as endometriosis, for example, unless the disease is located in more difficult-to-access parts of The body like the diaphragm.
Robotic surgery is safe and effective, as the robot operates under the surgeon’s commands, and the Medicina da Mulher Clinic is a pioneer in professional qualification in the use of this technology. The pros and cons of its indication must be carefully evaluated.